Product catalogue Sites
Product catalogue sites enable your clients to quickly access any information they require about your products. The data held can be linked to your own information so the content on the site is accurate and relevant at all times.
XML & RSS feeds also allow your clients to download product specifications, product lists or even databases for use in their own systems.
This technology can also be used by sales teams, service engineers etc. using laptops or hand-held devices and the use of log-in facilities affords the ability to restrict certain data to specific user types.
Once set up, data can be synchronised either automatically at specific times or every time a change is made, or the data can be uploaded at a push of a button at your convenience.
Our philosophy
Sites created by technicians work like clockwork, load in nanoseconds but look like they've been designed by a technician. Many viewers will click-away.
Sites created by designers look fantastic but take ages to load and seldom work smoothly. Customers don't have time to hang about.
Sites created by anyone without the knowledge of search engine optimisation or Internet marketing don't get a chance to load slowly or look bad, they'll never get a chance to be seen.
At IMK every site we develop benefits from the expertise of our design, technical and marketing teams, managed by a single point of contact. The customer is involved along each step of the process as much as possible, after all you're the expert on your business, and we're the experts on ours.